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black8jac said:
RolStoppable said:

Same demo is going to be 4k@30fps on XSX.

Oh God, another one. 4K has double pixel count of 1440p. XSX GPU is 18% more powerful than PS5. But if we are going this route, to load assets from ssd during ending flight in this demo XSX would need commercial brake half way or maybe even more than one.

1440P is 3,686,400 pixels.
2160P/4k is 8,294,400 pixels.

Difference of 125%.

No way will this demo go from 1440P @30fps on the Playstation 5 to 2160P @ 30fps on the Xbox Series X.
Maybe 1800P if you are lucky, really depends where the performance bottleneck on the Playstation 5 was.

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Pemalite said:

Your question on why Microsoft didn't demonstrate Unreal Engine 5?

They probably did with Hellblade 2. They just didn't focus on the technology itself.

Oh, I see.

However, I think that it is insufficient for the next gen console.
Well, if MS wants to do that, that's fine, isn't it?

Of course. I don't think Microsoft has adequately showcased it's hardware with visual gaming representations appropriately just yet.
Their last Inside Xbox was a pretty big missed opportunity.

HoloDust said:
Pemalite said:

Pretty much! And all to get the bast bang-for-buck visuals with acceptable hardware overhead.

Just irked me that people were claiming the demo wasn't using Ray Tracing -at all- which was actually false.

Reflections were in the demo, but they were on matte surfaces and I think they relied on screen space.

I think devs realized that something like advanced version of SVOGI/SVOTI is pretty much what they can expect from those specs in next gen (Lumen is more or less that), with some adiitional "real" RT sprinkled in.

It kinda reminds of time before the start of this gen, when Epic demoed UE4 and talked about real time SVOGI (only to pull back a bit when they got the real specs, which fall short of their expectations of 2.5TFLOPS)

Yeah. I agree.
CryEngine was demonstrating this kind of technology at the start of the 8th gen...

And you can tell developers *really* wanted to go down this path with this current console cycle, just the hardware couldn't manage it just yet, almost, but not just yet.

But credit where credit is due, we ditched the allot of the baked effects from 7th gen in allot of games, which is why the 8th gen didn't seem like a big visual upgrade to many when it technically was.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--