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I honestly both see Xbox and PlayStation doing even better numbers than this gen, simply because I think this gen will be the last and will go on "forever". I don't think there will be a PS6 or a different Xbox after Series X. People love to rag on Stadia, but honestly? The tech is there, and it works. It's just that Stadia is barely supported by 3rd party, has no 1P games, has no established fanbase and no major marketing. Things will be different for PlayStation and Xbox when they make moves towards streaming, and they have. By 2030, streaming will be a major core of their gaming businesses.

On the console space, Sony and MS will just release incremental models: Like PS5 Pro, then PS5 Pro 2; Xbox Series X2, then Xbox Series X3. They started with this model this gen, and it will also implemented even further next-gen. In fact, that's why MS chose just Xbox as an umbrella term for all their next consoles. Meanwhile, the head of PS was already unsure if there was going to be a PS5 way back in 2016.

I'm not saying consoles will die off, what I'm saying is that by 2030, if you want to play a game, you'll have the choice to buy a PS5, Xbox, etc or just stream it. If you choose to buy that PS5 or Xbox, you will essentially just buy an upgraded version from the ones that will release this fall. The same goes for the Switch. What could Nintendo do next? They found their best winning formula ever. All they can do is just maintain it, and just release improved versions. They're not ever gonna just do something completely different for a next-gen where they run the risk of finding themselves with another GameCube or WiiU.

So, considering that this gen will be on store shelves for essentially ever, both will have very high sales. Will the ratio stay at 2.xx? I don't know. PS will probably sell more, but I think Xbox will do much better than this gen around and the ratio will be smaller, like maybe at 1.5. This time around, MS has been marketing the Xbox Series X the same way as the Xbox 360 in its early days. It's that demographics they're going after first and foremost: to regain that fanbase from the 360 and then build off from there.