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curl-6 said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

Bold: Well, with XC2, you have their back stories with their own reasons, can't say that for many villains in XC1. 

Second bold: I know that. Also, character age plays a role in each character's thinking and their behavior, so it matters.

Third bold: Got it, will do.

Yeah, but a character being 25 or 50 doesn't really change whether or not I find certain scenes of them annoying. If it annoys me, then it annoys me.

I simply didn't have this issue with XBC1 the way I did with 2.

Again, I don't want to sound like I'm bashing XBC2, it's still a good game overall, I just found the cast of XBC1 to be more likable, charismatic, and non-irritating.

Agree to disagree then.