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curl-6 said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

Any villain in XC2 has their own back story and reasons, but in XC1, Lothiria didn't have any, and Mumkhar, his reason is silly as hell with no depth, then Shulk even tried to forgive him for all the people he did kill and turned them into mechon, ok. Then, look at Reyn, outside being Shulk best friend, he is basically almost nonexistence unless it involved Sharla. Just like Reyn, Sharla is irrelevant to the main story unless it is related to Juju or Gadolt. Music, agree with you, totally based on taste. 

Lorithia did have reason, she wanted to keep the High Entia bloodline clean, she was racially motivated. Mumkhar may not have had a teary backstory. but he doesn't need one, he's just an enjoyably hateable example of what happens when a selfish person is given great power.`

Plus the characters in XBC2 were sometimes cringey and annoying to a degree that none of XBC1's character ever are.

Then she just needs to finish Melia alone, she had a plenty of times to kill Melia when she wasn't in Shulk's group yet. Mumkhar is just a bad guy for the sake of it.

"cringey and annoying" but XC2 also has a lot of touching moments for many villains, even the most hated one or the final boss, unlike Zanza - a completely a***ole. I could feed bad and sympathy (more or less) for any XC2 villain, but not XC1, outside Egil and perhaps Dickson for a bit, all are tra** to me.