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Part two of the Friday news:

Paris Games Week has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic
Paris Games Week isn't the most well-known videogame event in North America, but it's a big one: It attracted 317,000 visitors over five days in 2019. That's not going to happen this year, however, as organizers announced today that, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 event scheduled for October 23-27 has been cancelled.
>> It doesn't seem to be very popular in this forums either as it's cancellation didn't warrant a thread, unlike this other one:

Tokyo Game Show has been cancelled
Tokyo Game Show will not go ahead this September, its organisers have confirmed. The 2020 event was scheduled to take place between September 24-27, but like E3 2020 and Gamescom, that will no longer happen due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A replacement online event has been confirmed, with more details to come.
>> Signalstar is the one that has made a thread about it.

GTA Online's alien outfits are now free, so get out there and kill each other
One of the most ridiculous, and therefore best, things to happen recently in GTA Online is the eruption of a gang war between two factions of aliens. Except they're not really aliens, they're people dressed up in either green or purple body suits, and instead of beaming victims up for an anal probe they throw them into the back of a van, drive them out to the sticks, and beat the hell out of them.

Jonathan Frakes is here to tell you how sad PUBG's Dinoland is
Next time the circle's closing in Vikendi's Dinoland, spare a thought for its sordid history. In a new PUBG video fleshing out the theme park's history, we learn that it was once "the happiest place ever." But for reasons quite irrelevant to the 100 person bloodbaths that now take place in its vicinity, that happiness quickly turned to... despair.

Spaceship action RPG Drox Operative 2 announced
While Blizzard summons Diablo, Crate Entertainment ushers in its Grim Dawn, and Grinding Gear Games follows the Path of Exile, Soldak Entertainment has been, relatively quietly, soldering away on its ambitious, not enormously attractive action RPGs, including Din's Legacy and Zombasite. But it's Drox Operative—an action RPG with spaceships—that concerns us today, as the developer has just announced a sequel.

Stuck in SnowRunner? Perhaps this tips trailer will help
Travelling in the snow is hard. Really hard! That's why the only things mad enough to attempt it are Father Christmas, and the big, hulking trucks of terrain sim SnowRunner. The former cheats by using magical, flying reindeer, but the latter have to carve their way through the sloppy snow and mud. You, potentially a greenhorn player of the 'Runner series, might be finding this difficult. But publisher Focus Home have put out a handy tips video.

Drive a train across the wasteland in this free indie game
If Metro Exodus was set entirely on the train, it might look something like Keep It Alive: a game of powering through the post-apocalypse in a train carriage. As a train driver, well, more of a shoveller and a security guard, you have attend to multiple spinning plates, as the train advances from station to station in the world.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla creative director admits the 'gameplay' trailer was a letdown
Ubisoft unveiled the much-anticipated Assassin's Creed Valhalla debut gameplay trailer during yesterday's Inside Xbox livestream, and to be blunt, it wasn't great. It was nice enough as trailers go, but as Chris observed there were maybe three seconds of gameplay through the entire thing, and I think he's being a little generous with that count.
The backlash was strong enough that creative director Ashraf Ismail took to Twitter to acknowledge that Ubisoft dropped the ball.
>> 100% agree.

The Golf Club 2019 is currently free to play on Steam
Keeping the candle for non-crazy golf games aflame, The Golf Club has been steadily going for a few years now, most recently with The Golf Club 2019. If you can cope with the fact that it's now 2020 (actually, we're all kind of struggling with that), you'll be pleased to hear that this latest entry in the series is currently free. Sorry, free asterisk: it's free to play for the next six days on Steam.

Time to take a look at the weekend deals at GOG and Steam:



No more news to share. Until the next time, have a happy and gaming weekend.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.