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RolStoppable said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

I think the Coronavirus is helping it a bit right now. Nothing like a partygame when you can't go anywhere with your kids.

Another thing you need to consider is that 1 through 7 and 10 released on consoles which sold much less than the Switch already does, and partygames on a handheld are rather awkward to play together, even with the huge success of the DS. That just leaves the two Wii titles are real competition to the Switch version - and those came out at unfortunate times (8 came out so fast after the other ones that a severe franchise fatigue set in, 9 came out at the end of the Wii's lifespan when it's sales were dropping like a rock) that it's actually just normal that the Switch version wins out. I guess unlike the Wii titles, it just came out at the right time.

Also, I think "least amount of content" is plain wrong and solely based on the number of boards in the game. Of the Mario Party games I played, usually half or more of the boards were so unappealing that they weren't played more than two times. That's why it doesn't mean much when SMP has fewer boards to begin with, because what people care the most about are minigames and SMP has 84 of them which is more than most other MP games had.

Welp, at least the word think is used. We're all entitled to our opinions. The reason you play Mario Party isn't the reason everyone plays it. If you feel other games had "unappealing boards" that's fine, but everyone doesn't think that. The variety and complexity of boards has always been what entices me to Mario Party. And compared to say the Gamecube games, the boards are very flat, So not only is it lacking in game modes and boards, but the boards that are there are mostly flat and uninspired. Minigames should supplement the boards. All I know is I've played past Mario Parties way more than I did Super, simply because of the variety of game modes like 5 had, simply isn't there.