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Tuesday news, part two, and last:

EA Play Live is coming in June with 'world premieres' and more
E3 is canceled, but the show must go on—and in the case of Electronic Arts, that show will take place on June 11, beginning at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET. EA said that it will "showcase our games through a live broadcast, community content, and more" during the all-digital event.

Id details 'complicated relationship' with Doom Eternal composer, won't work with him on DLC
Something was a little off about the Doom Eternal soundtrack that released in April: As audio expert thatACDCguy explained on Twitter, the OST mix of some songs is heavily compressed. "The music itself is phenomenal, but this mix on the official soundtrack is frankly terrible," they wrote. Composer Mick Gordon responded to say that he didn't mix the majority of the tracks on the OST, and later implied that some kind of beef with id Software was going on, telling a fan that he doubted he'd work with the studio again in the future.
It all seemed very odd. Gordon is a prolific videogame composer who has a long and fruitful working history with Bethesda on the Doom, Wolfenstein, and Prey games, and his Doom soundtrack from 2016 earned him multiple awards and nominations. Gordon himself hasn't commented on the matter further, but Doom Eternal executive producer Marty Stratton posted a lengthy "open letter" to Reddit today to explain his side of the story and defend Doom Eternal's lead audio designer.

Bloodstained gets a randomizer and new playable character this week
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night will get a new playable character this week, as well as a randomizer that can tweak a handful of aspects of the game. The randomizer is a replacement for the original roguelike mode, which was part of the game's Kickstarter stretch goals but ultimately cancelled due to its incompatibility with the finished game.

Moonray is a surreal hack-and-slash adventure coming to Early Access
Moonray features conventional sword-and-board Dark Souls style combat in an unconventional world of floating fractal sculptures. You play as a craggy sculpture-esque humanoid on a mission to recover an element that's vital to the planet's wellbeing.

Minecraft is more accessible than ever with SpecialEffect's eye tracking software
Gaming charity SpecialEffect is staging an amicable (and very welcome) takeover of the PC Gamer Community Forums this week, so we want to take this time to highlight some of the excellent work its team carries out to ensure everyone has equal access to the videogames we love.
If you aren't familiar with the UK-based charity, it strives to offer gamers with physical disabilities the equipment required to allow everyone to game at their very best. One way it's going about its mission is with EyeMine, a free software package that enables players to interact with Minecraft with eye movement alone.

Amazon's sci-fi PvP shooter Crucible arrives on May 20
Amazon has announced that the free-to-play Crucible will be launching on PC on May 20. Crucible is a competitive team-based shooter containing elements of PvP and PvE. Players will need to hunt down members of the opposing team, fight weird alien creatures, and complete mission objectives to win.

Microsoft's first 'Xbox 2020' stream to reveal Assassin's Creed Valhalla gameplay and more
The Inside Xbox livestream on May 7 will see the first gameplay reveal for Ubisoft's upcoming Assassin's Creed Valhalla, which all by itself makes it a must-watch stream for most gamers. But Microsoft has big plans for the show beyond that. It will also kick off what it's calling "Xbox 20/20," a series of monthly livestreams that will showcase the company's plans for the year.
>> Since the stream will be about multiplats, I would also expect more new games that will also launch on PC.

Mortal Kombat 11 is getting new story DLC
According to a tweet from Playstation Brazil, some singleplayer story DLC is coming for Mortal Kombat 11. MK11 has received a lot of typical beat 'em up updates—new characters and such—but it's particularly exciting to know there's more gory melodrama coming to those of us to would rather test our mettle offline.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.