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Shaunodon said:
COKTOE said:

I was originally responding to somebody else, regarding a comment that I feel was dealing in absolute terms that are not representative of reality. My personal take is irrelevant. to And furthermore, DeusXMachina said that the gameplay was "not bad" which is a few degrees removed from "above average" where I come from. Again though, not germame to the topic at hand, which was a post that read:"Well the game gets praised for it's story and not it's gameplay"

- "A masterpiece, that breaks the self imposed barriers of gaming narrative and ensnares the player with intelligent gameplay and brilliant A.I.

"With The Last of Us they have given us a consistent and interesting world that is supported by practically all of its game mechanics. From the rich complex combat system to the sublime sound design, this game immerses the player in one of the most visceral plots in this generation.

- "The Last of Us merges very good gameplay with a peerless story and unequaled production values.

- "It is the studio’s finest game to date, marrying gameplay and fiction better than any of the Uncharted games.

- "With The Last of Us they have given us a consistent and interesting world that is supported by practically all of its game mechanics.

- "Naughty Dog has taken what it’s learnt from crafting the Uncharted franchise and spun that experience into a more down-to-earth, realistic adventure that shines with storytelling excellence, great combat, tense atmosphere and the highest quality in presentation".

Now, those six examples I've given are from the first seven reviews on the PS3 version only. Do you think I could find any more examples of gameplay praise for one of the most acclaimed games of all time? And please refrain from casting aspersions if you're not quite sure what's being discussed.

"Do you think I could find any more examples of gameplay praise for one of the most acclaimed games of all time?"

Why are you asking me this? Did I ever dispute that? Did I not just pull several examples from another, far-less loved game to make that point?

"DeusXMachina said that the gameplay was "not bad" which is a few degrees removed from "above average" where I come from."

That is reeeeally reaching mate. And as I tried to make clear, whether he was slightly off or not, his point was that the gameplay is not great, which is in line with exactly what you said; and no one (as in general people who play games, a generalisation of the audience, not literally everyone who plays/reviews games) remembers the game because of great gameplay.

Just because you interpreted the short, casual line of "Well the game gets praised for its story and not the gameplay." as 'dealing in ABSOLUTE TERMS that are not representative of reality. My personal take is irrelevant.' (This whole thing is really based on your strong personal take of a short comment.) Doesn't mean he meant it literally has never been praised for it's gameplay.
Look at some of the reviews you decided to share with us. Even when praising the gameplay, they then heap far greater praise on other elements like narrative or production. One of them (I was gonna say a couple, but you actually double-posted one review) even mentions how the gameplay 'supports' the other aspects, meaning it does enough to prop up the parts people actually care about.
So if someone says "praised for its story and not the gameplay", it can refer to the gameplay being more of an afterthought. Just like even though these reviewers are breaking their backs to make TLoU seem like the second coming, you can tell they're basically praising the gameplay more out of obligation to mention it, while saving their greater superlatives for the aspects that matter.

Read between the lines.

Sorry I butt in on your conversation, but I figured he could be left going back-and-forth over a pointless detail (that you could find praise for it's gameplay somewhere), just like you're trying to do to me now.

Oh my god. I've never had to deal with such a pointless wall of text in my entire time on the site. Are you wondering about the meaning about what Jrantion said? As if it's written out in hieroglyphics, and then once translated, it needs interpretation due to it's complex nature? "Well the game gets praised for its story and not the gameplay". That this is not accurate is my entire point of contention. And how is what he said not an absolute statement? What the F** are you talking about? There's a very simple tenet to this whole thing, which has been at the forefront of the exchange, on display multiple times, and even highlighted, yet still you persist, and wax philosophic about you know not what. Seriously, I've never resorted to this before, but I won't respond to anything you say on this post. I reject your apology.

Last edited by COKTOE - on 29 April 2020

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."