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Well good luck with YouTube. I only use it for jamming out to 90s music mainly and not a fan of let's play, etc videos. So I can't help your son by subscribing but do hope things get better there. I was bullied and I bullied when I grew up. The main thing saved me was I was taller and bigger than majority of people. He go to public school?

It doesn't help being autistic and being in special classes.  Kids probably notice that even though there are more special needs kids these days anything that makes you different kids will latch onto and make fun.

Basically I don't have much to say except that I'm jealous that you have something in common with your son.  My dad wasn't around much when I grew up since he worked late hours.  He did go to my games which was nice.  Basically I don't have much in common with my family even to this day except blood.  So enjoy your relationship with your son.

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 21 April 2020