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sales2099 said:
HollyGamer said:

Cross gen is a lazy excuse while developer learning new stuff and sales department trying to milk last gen as much as then can . PERIOD, that's indisputable fact , a well known fact

Yes people don't buy next gen consoles in first couple years but it's not the case with Switch , PS4 , PS2, . I am not saying all game developer have to strife for next gen exclusives but at least first party shall be the one shows them and shows the difference what next gen is capable of. 

Call it what you like, it’s good for gamers who aren’t early adopters. Choice and options are not a bad thing...and if that’s the narrative you pushing I think that’s definitive proof you need a change of perspective. At the very least it’s selfish. 

If history taught us anything, no 1st party game developer showed what the hardware could really do in the first year. They all learning still. And the way I see it, if you want to show what next gen can do....a good example is a  Digital Foundry comparison video showing the differences between Halo Infinite on Xbox One vs Series X. The difference in FPS, resolution, textures, loading times and whatever else 343 can do will be apparent in said comparison videos. Mission accomplished, gamers will see an easy to digest way to show what next gen brings to the table. You making a mountain out of a anthill. 

Then you don't really expect much of a new gen. I expect new experiences and mechanics and new ways to play. Things not possible before. You expect the same as before but with more frames and pixels. Just go pc then.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.