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TheBraveGallade said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Even in business ethics it wasn't a mistake. There's nothing ethically questionable about choosing not to do business anymore with a company that insists on dictating their own terms and instead doing business with a company that gives you more respect/freedom. There was no "betrayal", they didn't "owe" Nintendo anything.

square and playstation's relationships has only ever been that of a tird party and major developer. an important one but still....

square and nintendo's was almost that of a psudo sencond party dev, like what rare became almost immediatly upon square's departure. nintendo subsitized ALL localization of FF1-6, and more telling, they gve them mario to work with for SMRPG, something that nintendo arely does NOWADAYS, and was almost unheard of back then, we all know how protective nintendo is of their ip....

Just no.

Sony bought Square shares in the late 90s early 2000s. They helped them staying afloat during the Spirit Within debacle. Which they co-funded with Square.

Sony and Square have had a good relationship since FFVII, that has been very similar to Nintendo’s during the 90.

And Nintendo didn’t give them Mario. They went to Square because they had the RPG expertise. But Miyamoto managed both the teams at Nintendo and Squaresoft as they worked together on that game.

There is a lot of misinformation in this thread. As per usual when Nintendo isn’t portrayed as being faultless. 

Last edited by Hynad - on 13 April 2020