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When you go shopping for anything. If there are 2 versions, you'll buy the premium version that cost a bit more. It gives you a feel that you've bought the more valuable version.

Now, suddenly, your premium item that you bought 6 months ago suddenly become the cheap version. Sure as hell some people are going to be pissed for owning something valuable suddenly depreciated.

Now, let's say Sony didn't introduce the 80G version. Everything would be fine because there's no "premium"er version. Your item is still the same premium item like you bought 6 months ago, only it's cheaper now because it loses value over time.

It's easier to accept that your item lose value than having to accept that you premium item isn't so premium anymore.

uhhh... yeah, something like that :)

I think the price drop was nice, but not the introduction of the new version. On paper, it's a win-win.