Looks okay, initially I was pretty impartial to the design (two tone) but its grown on me. It looks more ergonomic to hold in hand than the DS4 since the transition to the and face and grip is more smoother and less angular. Like more of your palm is resting on the controller it but still keeps the iconic DS shape.
Haptic feedback is nice addition too.. hopefully the rumble is an evolution on the Xbox One one/Switch. The built in mic is cool as well, would be pretty nifty if you could bind those to keys in game or have devs utilize that for games. I remember seeing that used for Kinect for certain commands in Mass Effect 3 using Kinect and it looked quite handy. Like I imagine in a game like Dragon Age where you would call out the name of an NPC in your party and they would use an ability you set it to. Or even have more funky ideas like having it listen on on horror games where you have to be radio silent or you will get spotted xD Off to you Kojima!
The only issue I see is that, the use of white plastics which don't tend to age well in some devices.. hoping they will release an all black version close to launch.