V-r0cK said:
If you're telling someone to "google" that means you can't actually find real proof that clearly defines which is more ergonomic/prove your point. I did "google" ...I googled "which controller is more ergonomic Xbox or PlayStation" and this was the first article that popped-up: https://gameslearningsociety.org/dualshock-4-vs-xbox-one-s-controller/ The article claimed that the Dualshock 4 is the winner. Should I now say that you're wrong? Should I now start blasting others' claim and tell them that the Xbox controller is more inferior? No, because at the end of the day it's still a preference thing. You say the grip is inspired by Xbox controller yet Google Stadia/Nintendo Switch Pro/a crap ton of different PC controllers since the dawn of time also share the same form yet you're not going to point that out here cause you're only trying to one-up against Playstation. And I say you trying to one up Xbox over Playstation because that's all you've ever posted since the dawn of the 360 era. I remember exactly who you are cause you were always the guy that kept trolling PS3 threads. Seems like your trolling hasn't changed all these years just like your avatar. FYI. I really like the xbox360 controller with how it feels, I just prefer where the D-pad and thumbstick are on Playstation controllers ...because its a preference thing. (The initial topic of our conversation was about the location of the D-pad/thumbstick...not the grip, but clearly you were just too busy trolling to try and point out other things like the grip rather than sticking to the actual conversation) ________________________ I was more recommending you go by majority rule, and not focus on one article written by one person. Because while I do agree subjective preference dictates, I don’t believe both controllers are created equal. This isn’t communism: gaming controller edition. One has the potential to be objectively better then the other, after bias and subjectivity are thrown out the window. Any relative search online shows the Xbox controller has a better feel on the grips because the PS controller can be a bit small for adult hands. Then the eternal debate about where the left stick lies. But ultimately Sony was the first to buckle and redesign their controller, which does bear at least a slight similarity to the Xbox controller. Xbox merely had to tweak theirs....now what does that tell you? Tells me the DualShock design is outdated and that ain’t trolling to point that out. |