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Phasma said:
weezy said:
Some people can't handle a hard game.
They like simple games like GoW and DMC.


Again you are babbling sh*t. NG is the simple game, you just fight and don't have to worry about anything else. DMC is actually quite the same, story aint deep and the puzzles, if you can call them that are easy, but GOW ain't simple you do a lot more in it than fight and if in simple you mean easy to beat, play with the harder difficulty and it ain't easy. Also don't start with the "NG is hard even with the easy mode" because that actually sucks, because it turns off players who can't play, with GOW on the other hand you actually can CHOOSE if the game is easy, hard or very hard, and im actually quite amazed about how the "great player" couldn't see things like this. Looks like the player has been played. (Come up with something clever will ya?)


 LOL,this guy is a riot.


Like I said, If you want a challenge play Ninja Gaiden and not those other adolescent action games.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

