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windbane said:
Just_Ben said:
Bodhesatva said:
Just got back. Ah, the 600 dollar model is limited edition. That makes a huge difference. Let's see how limited it is!

Well, most likley limeted til the 60 gig model is sold out.


I predict another price drop this Year. Most likely Oktober/November:


499 for the 80 gig bundeld with GTA 4.

469 for the 80 gig.

You think they'd bundle with a 3rd party game? It would be smart, though...

Depends on how it would work, actually. Simple reason:

Putting Motorstorm in the bundle costs Sony 5 dollars (or however much it costs to manufacture + package)

Putting GTA IV in the bundle costs Sony 60 dollars (or however much the game retails for).

Maybe they could work out some sort of deal? I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I suppose it's technically possible.">">