NightlyPoe said:
The analog stick is the default control option for 3D games. It's in the inferior secondary position.
The original Playstation controller was basically an SNES with a grip and extra couple of buttons in the back. Perfectly functional in the 2D 4th generation, but then the N64 controller came along and made non-analog controllers obsolete as gaming headed into 3D space. Instead of rethinking their controller design from scratch, Sony's response was to basically to slap a couple of analog sticks at the bottom of their controller. This left the 2D control scheme the dominant default and the 3D scheme secondary. Good for retro games that wouldn't see a resurgence for about 15 years, but a poor design choice for the majority of games.
I've expressed this opinion a few times around here. The Sony controllers' backwards design have always bugged me. So many people have grown up with the controller always like that, though, that it's just a design flaw that most people don't think about and even defend.
Ahhh. For whatever the reason I not did that was what you were talking about, but I somewhat dont agree. I find SONY's placement to be more balanced(even if it slightly favors 2D for what is generally a 3D games console) and I'm sure they keep it that because of its history being a platform for many vs N64 and XBOX where their controllers were designed to cater to specific genres. Its more awkward to have the d-pad not be inline with the buttons vs the ladder. I couldn't imagine playing a fighter with d-pad being where the analog is.