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Runa216 said:
deskpro2k3 said:

I understand that you feel betrayed or feel tricked, but you got to remember back in 2015, when they said the Remake will be a multipart series, and that the first game will be set in Midgar. Everyone was under the false impression that it'll be a 5hr game, but later in that same year SE confirmed that each part will be comparable to a full Final Fantasy game. Midgar alone being the first part of a 30-40hr game is one big confirmation that the story is expanded upon, and in other words, changed. When you put 1 and 1 together you get 2. It shouldn't come as a surprise. What surprised me was how cool the changes are, it's unfortunate some don't feel the same.

Honestly, are there people out there who literally just wanted the same exact plot over again? 

Well,yeah since they marketed it as a REMAKE and not a reboot. They lied to people about what it is. Even Carefully giving out a demo that feels like the original game modernized.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!