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RolStoppable said:
Radek said:

3 months delay due to Corona is a pretty big delay if you ask me...

Game doesn't come out for another 2 months and they already need big day one patch to add high quality textures and optimizations, what?!

It's pretty obvious that they are cheaping out on the capacity of the game card, like so many other AAA publishers. Mentioning textures and better gameplay is supposed to trick gullible people into believing that something beneficial is being done, but after The Witcher 3 gamers should be smarter than that and see through it right away.

From the spound of things, it is the same as Witcher 3.  Full game on card, playable out of the box.  The day 1 patch, which the Witcher had as well, is just bug fixes and improvements.

It is a day 1 patch, not a required partial install.

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