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When it comes to Nintendo remakes or a new entry they are always ALWAYS ALWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS "enhanced port" to the clueless. Splatoon 2 "enhanced port" despite being a full sequel. Same with Ultimate despite new engine, models, remade stages and the like. Imagine someone calling Phsyco 1998 a "remaster" of the 1960 film. That's how silly that logic is. Part of the blame is stupid marketing these days.

They probably did some market research that says the term remaster is looked at more favorably than remake or reboot. This is speculative but the terms of remake and reboot seem to have more negative connotations these days than not. Remaster, oh they are just touching up thing I love vs remake. OH GOD! They are going to fuck it up and ruin my childhood!. Same with a reboot. Even reimagining. FFVIIR is a reimagining. Xenoblade is a remake. DMC HD Collection is remastered.

Last edited by Leynos - on 26 March 2020

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!