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Euphoria14 said:
Cremator said:
weezy said:
Euphoria14 said:

By the same token we could just say Ninja Gaiden is for people too stupid to read and follow storyline in a game.


dude enough, we get you like the other games better. Any true gamer who isnt a pre teen likes Ninja gaiden better

and any gamer who is isn't a SONY fanboy/PS3 owners likes NG2 better.




I am pretty sure your aiming that at me.

If I am indeed a Sony fanboy now, you should try checking up on my post history. Yet another uninformed user here.

Now what of the PS3/360 owners who prefer DMC over NG? Fanboys too?


Nice attack by the way. Completely unnecessary.

That wasnt an attack! LOLOL you are as soft as DMC and GoW ;)

Dude you got burned, your credability as a ps fanboy tells us everything we need to know about your opinion. Btw Ninja gaiden just called me and said, "Ha ha"






I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

