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src said:
Pemalite said:

That is what you are claiming though... That because YOU believe that Sony is going to sell 100~ million consoles they will get a cheaper price.

Don't back track now.

I'm saying Sony will likely get the better deal because PS5 will more than likely sell a lot more (prior history puts it 90-100 million+) and hence yearly orders will be higher. You simply wanted me to elaborate on the last two phrases but I thought that would be obviously implied. 

"Likely" isn't good business sense.

src said:
XSX is more powerful but PS5 is going to be "faster". If you can load data twice as fast then you may not need as much RAM to get the same on screen results: the RAM could only need to store 1 second of gameplay instead of 2 seconds.

Honestly its too early to call which is more technically capable since they follow different ideologies, and so we must wait for the games.

The Xbox Series X is more technically capable, this isn't even up for debate.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--