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Changing my stance purely on gameplay. I'm playing FF7 right now. Time has not been kind. Navigating in this game is trash. A lot of it is forgivable then but now..dear god. It has aged so poorly. Combat is fine. It's navigating anywhere on these pre-rendered backgrounds. I did not have this issue in IX recently. So by then they mainly had it figured out. You just have no real sense of what anything is and where you are. Movement def feels like a game designed around a Dpad. That sucks. I just do not like the Materia system. Not the crap Junction was but I am just not a fan. The motorcycle thing feels like a cool idea not executed well because of the tech. A lot of this game playing it feels like never made a 3D game before and it is just that. Story, Music, and characters are fine. I know they are about to release part 1 of a re-imagining of the game, not so much a remake. If it was just a remake that would still be fine as it would use modern game design to fix all these issues.

OoT feels dated but much more playable than this when it comes to navigating. Don't get me wrong I am enjoying my playthrough atm of FF7 but it is hindered to me by its age.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!