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sundin13 said:
Dulfite said:

He will probably respond with some threat to stack the court once a progressive wins the presidency to undo damage by Trump. But no way will the Senate allow that. They didn't allow FDR to do it, despite being arguably the most powerful president ever. They certainly won't do it for a socialist. Even if Democrats control the Senate, there is no way the moderate democrats will vote for that as it would cost them their seats and ensure Republican domination of the Senate for years, perhaps decades before those swing States would trust them again.

I also just became aware of a trending hashtag today, #NeverBiden, which reminds me slot of the nevertrumpers movement. I believe I read only 2-4 out of 5-10 (can't remember the numbers exactly) Bernie fans polled said they would come out to vote for Biden in the general election due to feeling margonalized by the party. That is a TON of people if true, a lot more than the 2 million or so nevertrumpers who voted libertarian/other in 2016.

Yeah, I saw 2/5 saying that they would support whoever the Dem nominee is. I'm sure things will change to some extent, but I mean this is the difference between Democrats and Republicans. While the Never Trump stuff was a thing, the party soon became the party of Trump and virtually everybody is now on board. Democrats have a tendency of eating their own. Candidate too progressive? Not going to vote. Candidate not progressive enough? Not going to vote. Meanwhile, the Republicans will keep winning because we are playing Goldilocks with our candidates waiting for one which is juuuuuust right, while they run away with the country.

While I respect the ability for Democrats to hold themselves accountable, there needs to be a point where we band together and show that the Republicans simply don't have the support in much of the country if we actually vote. Turn the younger generations into an "Always vote" block like the older generations and the country will move to the left...

Democrats loose because they try to pander to a nonexistent center. Republicans win because they aren't willing to compromise. Republicans show strength while democrats come out looking weak by always trying to compromise. Trump said he would not support whoever wins and called out stuff about the republicans no one openly talks about. Bernie always starts with "my friend Joe..." And he agreed to support whichever nominee before the elections were over, basically giving the establishment free reign to screw him over. Bernie is an awesome human being who feels uncomfortable attacking even the wrong positions of his opponents and feels uncomfortable saying good things about himself but that's what you need to win. Voting to agree for whoever means you don't really believe in what you're fighting for fully. Holding the chop until the last second is the way to beat centrists. The problem is progressives have a hard time with primaries but are much stronger in the general. The so called moderates are the opposite. So progressives get primaried and so called centrists lose. Obama ran to the left and won. But Obama ran government lie anyone else so the trust has détériorated even further. And the young people don't trust either party. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also