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sundin13 said:
Eagle367 said:

Hahahahaha you're assuming that everything Biden says is in good faith and he won't turn around and do all the nonsense he's always done. Remember Obama campaigned further left than Biden did. The result? He couldn't even close Gitmo. All the decades of neoliberalism and neoconservatism also brought Trump to power and Obama helped in that. How much did democrats loose under Obama again? Some 1500 seats or so I believe. The one crowning achievement that he has that was actually the work of many nations putting their heads together and not all Obama's brilliance was the Iran nuclear deal and Trump tore through that like it was nothing. Obamacare was like putting a Band-Aid on a stab wound, he bailed out all the rich corporations in 2008 and left all the common working people high and dry, what actual wage increase did most people see in his time? What did he do to make education better and more affordable? What  did he do about infrastructure? And let's all remember which side he was on during occupy Wall Street. 

And did the war mongering stop? Nope! In fact news places for war started, Lebanon and Syria. Meanwhile Iraq and Afghanistan continued, an insane amount of bombs were dropped on these poor countries, he constantly broke international law by drone striking in sovereign nations the US has not invaded and who did not give the US permission to do it like Pakistan. He in fact punished more whistle blowers than any president in history. Chelsea Manning is a prime example. Meanwhile he never stood firm for any leftist policy and always gave away the bargaining power to the republicans and Mitch McConnell. What improved for the common man under Obama? He started out as a hero for the people that they voted into the white house and soon as he got in, he abandoned them. That further created a mistrust of any politician by the young people and the progressives and actually hurts the movement to this day.

And as a final slap to all the people that dared to believe, what did he do after his tenure was over? Did he fight hard for any social causes? Did he start working in lobbying for the closure of Gitmo like he said he would do? No he went on insane vacations that only rich people can go on, hung out with celebrities, made expensive speeches and just behaved like a rich guy without a care in the world. Nothing that good happened for the left under Obama and nothing that good happened under Clinton as well.

The point of this is not to just hate on Obama but I'm using this as an example to show you what a Biden presidency will be like. Clinton, bush, and Obama were all slow poisoning and Biden will continue that trend. And hell Biden will just be a figurehead while the neoliberals and neocons control everything because I don't think Biden will have enough brain capacity left to argue with them or even try to help the people if he wanted to. They are using this man to maintain power. They don't care about beating Trump. They'll be happy once Sanders is out either way. And they'll be happy to discard Biden if he gets too sick. Probably have an even bigger yes-man or yes-woman lined up as VP.

Congress, the Senate and local and state governments can change if we vote in progressives but Biden winning isn't a victory for progressives in any way. It's just buying more time to make something happen. And even that is a maybe because climate change is approaching a critical level and I don't think Biden will do anything significant to mitigate the effects or change course. We have 10 years. 4 of them will be wasted on Biden and Trump might actually shrink our timeline. All countries have made stupid decisions. I mean Boris Johnson, Modhi, Bolsanaro, Netenyahu are all stupid mistakes by the electorates of their countries but when the Americans make a stupid mistake, the entire world has to suffer the consequences. More so than the stupid decision of any other nation, except maybe China. I'm not able to vote anyways but I'm warning people to get ready for reality to hit hard. Biden is centre right right now and was even more right in the past. He's not gonna be helping the left in any significant way.

If you truly believe all of this stuff you are saying, you don't really have any room to criticize Trump, and you certainly have no room to complain about anything he does over the next four years. Complain all you want about Obama, but none of this actually provides any implication that we will be better off with four years of Trump than we would be with four years of Biden. Further, discouraging people from voting actively works against the plan to instill progressive in local government. All of this Bernie or Bust talk is going to keep people home, and the progressives may be group who is hurt the most down ballot from that terrible decision.

And do you honestly believe any progressive policies are going to be able to stand if there is a 7-2 conservative majority in the Supreme Court? Good luck with that one, because we aren't getting anything done for decades...

That's not right. I have plenty of room to criticise Trump. It's not like he's even a semi decent president. In fact, he is the 2nd worst US president in my opinion after George Bush, at least in the modern era. And I'm not believing those things about Obama, I;m simply stating what happened and what he did. You can verify everything I said quite easily. And I'm not discouraging anyone from voting. Voting down ballot is very important. I will not, however, delude anyone that Biden is left somehow or will help the left in any way. He'll be better than Trump for sure but that's saying virtually nothing. And I don't believe in voting for someone you don't believe in at all. If I believed in Biden even an atom's worth, I would tell people to vote for him. 

I just believe that progressive policies won't be able to stand even with Biden's choice of judges. We haven't been getting anything for decades and the situation has worsened for the US and the world because of it. Clinton and Obama made it worse, not better and I have no doubt that Biden will do the same. It's not Bernie or bust for me but I have nothing that gives me faith in Biden. Warren instead of bernie. Sure I don't like her because of everything she has done in this race but I can believe something in. Yang player politics as well in the end but still something. I don't know what Tulsi is doing but she has something I believe in strongly. Hell even Tom Styer had some things I could believe him about. Mike Gravel is better than Bernie. None of the other major candidates have anything I can believe in. Not one bit. And I can't tell others to vote that way. Vote down ballot for sure. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also