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Yeah, right. It comparison to games like Halo 3, Gears of War 4, and all of the other xbox live games that are the actual games ruining this hobby, Metal Gear Solid 4 is the gaming equivalent of Led Zeppelin 4 or Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.


"heavy handed cliche upon heavy handed cliche, retarded storylines that dont make any sense, overacting of the worst kind"

That line reveals your own idiocy more than anything else because in twenty years time the MGS saga will be discussed in college literature and cultural courses alongside Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, Alan Moore's The Watchmen, and Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. What have you done that will be taught in the same classes?



"Subtlety is a word not in Kojima`s dictionary it seems as MGS4 once again bombards us with heavy handed cliche upon heavy handed cliche, retarded storylines that dont make any sense, overacting of the worst kind etcetera."