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Personally, no, I don't really feel like getting any sort of game at higher than £35 these days. Most AAA games have their content split up in a myriad of ways, or include MT's or DRM, so I feel less and less reason for myself to want to buy games at a higher price, not when my experience is watered down or sold to me in pieces.

Indie games that are sold at a cheaper price though, those I'll likely dive into without much to question (well these days the only question is if they are going exclusive, so I can remove from the wishlist/slap on ignore). Indie games lower price of entry, coupled with them not wanting to dime me, or slap MT's into their games has me more interested in buying their games day/week/month 1, compared to AAA games, where I'll wait 6-8 months to a year or two until their prices drop to a much more desirable price (unless it was EGS exclusive, to which I just never buy at all).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"