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When talking software, I usually list Gamecube, because a lot of my absolute all time favorites are there. Switch is rapidly climbing up there and is at least top 3 on that measure. Hardware wise, Switch is closer to 1st. Gamecube still competes here because it was the best hardware of its gen, the hardware is incredibly durable and longlasting (I've put more hours in it than my other 6th gen consoles but it's still going and they've started to have problems), and the controller is my favorite traditional controller. Switch, hardware wise, is absolutely incredible. I think if it's controllers weren't so finicky with their control sticks, I'd put it ahead of Gamecube as my favorite. It's not worth ranking things beyond those two because it would just be a bunch of Nintendo portables (I love their portable hardware so much), the SNES, the Wii, and the PS2. I never liked XBox's hardware for any of its consoles, and I'm not a fan of Sony's portables. I never liked Sega hardware, even Dreamcast.