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Dulfite said:
Eagle367 said:
Yes. Now they are trying to make sure bernie only gets a plurality and not a majority so they can screw him over at the convention

The outcome I see is they are mad either way. Only  possfour outcomesible in my mind:

1) Sanders wins most delegates but then loses in second round of convention vote. Sanders voters are ticked and either don't vote at all in general election or vote third party to stick it to the moderate Democrats, costing them the election.

2) Sanders wins nomination, but because he is so far left there will be record low numbers of independents and moderate Republicans voting for the Democratic nominee, costing them the election plus losing probably 20-40 House seats and all competitiveness in close Senate races of swing States.

3) Sanders loses I'm first round and throws and doesn't really behind winner. Repeat results from option 1.

4) Sanders loses in outright and accepts it, endorses nominee, and campaigns for them. A moderate Democrats with the backing and campaigning of Sanders/Warren/Yang would probably beat Trump. This is the only option that could make them win 2020 down the ballot and the Presidency, but I also think it is the least likely to happen.

Either way, after 2016, of Sanders gets shafted again by superdelegates his supporters are going to lose their minds. May see the tea party of the left happen.

Option 2 is all wrong. Bernie has the most support among independents and non voters and the democratic base. In Nevada, he won among democrats that call themselves conservative and moderate. He won almost every demographic except he was 2nd among old African Americans. He constantly beats trump nationaly in polls and the only one who beats trump in many key swing states and beats him by the widest margin. People don't want a vanilla candidate. Biden, Bloomberg, Pete, Klaubaucher are Hillary Clinton and Clinton is Romney and Romney is Kerry and Kerry is Al Gore. History has shown us that those that excite the base and bring out the most people from the 40% non voters win the presidency. And Bill Clinton, bush, Obama and trump did that. And Bernie is doing it as well. 

Bernie is the most electable. The dems don't need republican votes to beat trump, they just need to excite their own base and make sure young people and non voters come to support them. The people who vote republican will either stay home or vote republican and the people who always bite democrat will vote for any dem candidate regardless. The people who don't do that are the ones that make the difference and if voter turn out is one, trump wins. Bernie brings in the voters. Pandering to the center made the democrats loose a 1000 seats and both houses and the presidency. If the ultimate moderate Clinton didn't win, what makes you think any of the others will? It's like banging your head against the wall over and over again and expecting a different result.

Bernie is not too far left. He is the most liked, most trusted candidate and right now, the most popular. People support his policies. This myth that you should pander to the center needs to die because this has driven the democratic party to the right so much that they are basically the centre right party. And it's why republicans keep winning again and again. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also