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Baldur's gate 3 is apparently coming to Stadia and Steam. Turn based combat and the general pace of an RPG are pretty well suited to streaming. However I don't like their business model, feels very pointless to buy a stream game. Like buying a movie you can only watch on Netflix.

However I never thought of the benefits on the developer side:

In terms of the technical stuff that that brings, there are a lot of promises there - do you feel the benefits of that? Is it like "wow the power of Stadia" and it's really changing the game, or is it just like developing on PC or anywhere else?

Walgrave: The cool thing about Stadia is that, for a very long time during development, we did not have to take care of optimisation so much. So, normally during development what you do is you write big pieces of tech, and then you start optimising. And obviously, as any "good programmer" should, you should optimise constantly and blah-blah-blah. But in the reality of development, you sometimes really want to just pump out whatever so that the designers, for instance, can start working. Stadia, having all this processing power behind it, makes you go like "Y'all, here's the new feature," and you can just pump up whatever you want. So in that regard, it was a big advantage. And now we can start focusing on optimising. So yeah, it helped.