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jman8 said:
HappySqurriel said:

Honestly, the problem with Metal Gear is not the storyline or the game it is the moronic reaction and undeserved hype of Fanboys ... Metal Gear Solid's story is very similar in delivery to a movies like Wild Wild West or Van Helsing; poorly acted and directed over the top movies that are entertaining when you turn your brain off. It is (somewhat) better than these movies because there is an effort to add some deeper content into the story, but these messages are poorly integrated into the story and end up seeming clumsy. From what I have seen, the only people who really see Metal Gear as being particularly deep are people who tend to only see the surface messages in movies/books/videogames and miss the subtext of a story.

When someone who truly understands and enjoys deep subtext hears about how "Deep" Metal Gear Solid is, and then plays the game, they are bound to think that either games are the most shallow medium ever created (if this is the deepest game created) or that Metal Gear Fans ar morons.


How are themes of loyalty, genetic pre-disposition vs genetic pre-destination, and systems of societal control, the control of information, the military industrial complex and the war economy not deep, meaningful, and thought-provoking themes? Sure, they may not be presented in the most clear way, but they're definitely there. There's no denying that.

The question of depth or importance of the themes isn't what I was refering to, the integration of the themes with the storyline are ...

Most (good) story tellers tend to have there story investigate the themes in such a way that it is transparent to the reader/viewer/gamer; if a movie is exploring abortion (as an example) they tend to explore the life of a person who is considering an abortion rather than have a 20 Minute dialoge about the philosophical implications of an abortion.