Chazore said: Seems this industry doesn't want middle-men anymore. Always now and forever got to be about getting a far better deal than the middle-man, or 100% of it all by themselves. Thank god they are all shooting themselves in the foot with this bs, and because the media Streaming service is suffering a piracy increase (fragmentation isn't always a great thing for everyone), I expect the fragmentation of the games streaming side is going to suffer just as bad. Greed sure is a fast killer to all roots. |
This reminds me of the whole PC market debacle in the early 00s which lead to the EA/Valve rivalry where EA wrote off the PC market only for Valve to take their gamble with HL2 to push Steam and become the de facto platform for all PC games to be sold on a position that had EA envious to the point they pulled their games from Steam to create and push Origins in an attempt to cut out the middle man only for a double humiliation where courts ruled that Steam users who had already purchased their games should retain access to them and EA to eventually come back to Steam with their tail between their legs.