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Fishie said:

Subtlety is a word not in Kojima`s dictionary it seems as MGS4 once again bombards us with heavy handed cliche upon heavy handed cliche, retarded storylines that dont make any sense, overacting of the worst kind etcetera.

Are games like MGS4 ruining the image the outside world has about our hobby?


Metal Gear Solid isn't nearly popular enough.  It doesn't have the kind of universal pull and draw that games like Halo or first-tier Mario games have.  Those games are far more responsible for shaping public view of gaming than something relatively unknown to the public.

What you described is the "B-movie" aspect of the Metal Gear Solid franchise.  There are people, myself included, who will swear that Army of Darkness is a hell of a lot of fun.  And there are others who will say it's simply a bad B-movie.  Neither view is necessarily wrong.

Maybe I played different Metal Gear Solid games than you, but all I took from them was a bunch of over-the-top in-jokes and fourth wall breaking.

The MGS games aren't intended to be taken seriously.  They're supposed to be over the top and silly -- hell, the game periodically pokes fun at itself.