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TheSource said: I am resurrecting this thread. One interesting thing to note - when browsing through the million sellers on World Wide software shipments on this said Wii-Play had around 300,000 shipped in North America. That makes me think sales of that game are +/-50k of 300,000. Numbers should be out in exactly six days. Expectations: - Wii sells between 300,000 and 500,000 units. Software drives sales. Wario Ware, Zelda, Wii Play, Rayman, Red Steel, Sonic, SSX Blur, Super Monkey Ball, Madden, Call of Duty 3, Elebits sell over 25,000 units during the month...2-3 of which sell over 100,000...With Wii Play selling around 300,000 - PS3 sells between 150,000 and 225,000 units. This is probably the weakest month of the year in America for PS3. Top software..VF5, Resistance, Madden, the crappy sonic, Call of Duty 3 sell over 25,000 units during the month...1 or 2 sell over 100,000. - 360 sells between 175,000 and 325,000 units. Software drives sales. Lost Planet, Crackdown, Gears of War, Madden, Call of Duty 3, DDR, the crappy sonic, sell over 25,000 units during the month...4 or 5 of which sell over 100,000... - DS faces shortages. Hardware around 300k. Diddy Kong Racing, Nintendogs, New Super Mario Bros sell over 100,000. - PSP sells around 250k. A bunch of software sells over 25,000..but none over 100,000. - PS2 hardware sells between 200,000 and 300,000...people wonder about HD and Blu-ray..but DVD's are still only in 30 million households...PS2 works well as a cheap game machine and DVD player...3 or 4 games sell over 100,000 units because the PS2 base is 40 million in America - Gamecube officially dies, selling under 25,000 units of hardware. Software is all but dead as well except for Twilight Princess which does like 100,000. .
Almost totally agree with you except that I don't think (as I have already said) Nintendo could ship more than 80K a week. So 4*80 = 320000... And Sonic outsells SSX Blur by 100 000...