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o_O.Q said:
Yes, its an insult for people who think there's any value in the status quo, used often by progressives who think society needs to be radically altered because there's not sufficient equality of outcome between people

For example, someone who believes women get paid 77 cents on every dollar a man earns may call someone who does not believe this a "normie", since from that first person's perspective, the latter's ignorance is holding society back from a state where women will be paid 100 cents to every dollar a man earns.

i work in a field basically devoid of women, because they just can't handle the work. women can get the same pay when the can lift the same load. if a woman can only lift 77 pounds for every mans 100 why should we be paid the same? equality isn't equality unless our metrics are the same. whats actually ignorant is to assume all work is worth the same amount based on gender instead of performance. thats just downright stupid. anyways, feel free to dogpile on me for being "misogynistic" since im quite certain none of you feel the same