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What I find funny is the comments like "guys making games in their grandmother's basement" or whatever. This is humorous to me, as that's how most of the great dev teams started - as basement office dev teams consisting of a few friends. Without these very type of developers that you're insulting, the game industry would have never grown to what it is today, and you'd all be out tripping on shrooms and tipping cows, because you have nothing else to do.

While I agree, CliffyB is a bigmouth, there are some concessions to be made regarding MGS4. The cutscenes are excessive, and only people who enjoy movies will appreciate them. I am not in this camp, and would sooner take a sledgehammer to my console than sit there and WATCH a game for the better part of an hour instead of playing it. Cutscenes are an expensive cheap way to make programming easier. I myself appreciate it much more when the story unfolds through the gaming action. Yet, that's just my preference.