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If they really wanted to appeal to core gamers, The first thing i think they should do is make a deeper online components to their games. Infact, it think it would be better to bundle an online game with the wii then zelda or sonic. Perhaps Call of duty 5?

And also, if they want to attract core gamers, nintendo needs to get 3rd parties to create some good, non-casual games for the wii.

They should Not only make more online games, but also add voice-chat, and create games that do not use friend codes. they should also make a bigger harddrive, to download game demos, downloadable content, etc.

Of course, i'm not saying that they should abbandon things such as friend codes completely. They just need to create some games that appeal to core gamers, too, and allow them to play online without any hassle.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison