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TheRealMafoo said:
In the US, almost every gamer I know who does not have a PS3, wants one. They just are not willing to spend what it cost to buy one. When that is your market, price cuts make a huge difference.

The 360 is not in the same position. Most people who want one, have one. The ones that don't, don't because they are not interested in owning one. When that is your position in the market, price cuts are less effective.

That's why you saw a permanent increase in the PS3, and I think you will see less of one with the 360.

 Ahh anecdotal evidence. Is there anything it can predict correctly? As a counter, the PS3 is a joke in my circle of friends. The thought of a price cut helping it is laughed at by the majority when the one PS3 fanboy ever speaks about it. While you comments on the markets are correct, we have no way of knowing what category any of the consoles fit into.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229