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I only started boycotting them because I started having serious doubts about their Wii strategy. I just need a clarification to stop it, which can come in several ways. E3 announcements, decent treatment of a Wii title they publish (they could have done it with No More Heroes but alas, they didn't)...

Until then, I won't be giving them a cent of my money for their games. A title from another developer I'd buy, if only for not getting unrelated people into the boycott (but it would still hurt to think part of the money goes to Ubisoft).

People have been boycotting things since the dawn of time. It's not a big deal, just a personal choice. To all the anti-boycotters who talk more about the boycott than the boycotters do, get over it.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957