Shadow1980 said:
zorg1000 said:
Current gen=/=gen 8, it means the current devices on the market. I cannot recall NPD, Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft ever referring to generations by numbers.
It should be obvious from the language used in the press releases that they are comparing the Switch's LTD sales to the PS4 & XBO, and that the NPD therefore considers the Switch to belong to the same generation as the PS4 & XBO.
The_Liquid_Laser said:
This post is a mess. But now I see that your misunderstanding about the Switch comes from a misunderstanding of console history. The short version is that Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800 were 3 different generations.
If that's the case, then we might as well get rid of numbered generations entirely, because there's no way you could split those three into three separate generations and have them make sense, unless you believe that Gen 2 is actually two separate gens, in which case you think either A) everybody's been getting it wrong on the numbers for the post-Crash generations, or B) you think the Pong machines era was either not a generation or was a "Gen Zero."
Nu-13 said:
That's all nice but has nothing to do with generations. A systems's gen is set in stone the moment it releases. Switch came too long after the start of the 8th gen, therefore it's 9th gen. Ps5 and xsx are coming too long after the start of the 9th gen, therefore they will be 10th gen. Eventually everyone will agree on that due to different reasons.
*heavy sigh*
No. Just... no. I mean, Switch the sole Gen 9 console, and Sony & MS skip Gen 9 and go straight to Gen 10? You started this whole off-topic argument, and this ends up being what you expect us to accept? Really? Really?
This is exactly why I consider NPD far more authoritative than the opinions of random forum-dwellers.
RolStoppable said:
You missed the portion in Nintendo's press releases where it's explicitly stated that the statement is according to NPD. If I personally relay information and therefore say that Switch was the best-selling current generation hardware according to NPD, then that isn't at odds with my stance that Switch does not belong to the same generation as the 3DS and the Wii U, because I am merely stating which classification someone else uses.
As for the rest of your long post, logical consistence demands that you call the Dreamcast a generation 5 console, putting it into the same generation as the Saturn. As long as you do not explicitly do that, I won't bother to write a more elaborate response.