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First off, WoW could decline 10% each for for 5 years and still be the biggest MMO out there, so I don't think they are to worried about it dieing. I doubt though that Diablo 3 will be an MMO (unless we don't hear about it for another 5-6 years) because they would be creating direct competition with themselves and why would they do that? The MMO is either Starcraft or something new so they carve a different part of the market out instead of carving into a market that they pretty much own. And so far there is only one Diablo rune, the other is Warcraft and there is a third that is Starcraft and there is a fourth in the bottom right that is for something new. says it might be for a game Blizzard was going to publish but then decided not to.  And for the chance of it coming to consoles, between slim and none and slim has his bags packed and headed for the door.