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cwbys21 said:

But one thing to remember is that when these games are shipped, Konami gets a big check. So they have gotten a check for 3 million sales (to retail) of MGS4 so far and they get both the publisher's and developer's cuts of the sales. So probably around $30 for Konami per game sold and the other $30 split between the store and Sony for royalties, 30 x 3 = 90 million dollars has been put into Konami's bank account because of this game (and counting). Its good to be them right now.

edit: shams beat me to it.

Once you take out manufacturing costs & shipping costs (rumoured to be around $10US / unit for PS3 titles - can anyone confirm?), it comes to about $20/unit - which is about right. Either way, its a solid $60m - should just about have paid off that marketing budget + development budget (maybe) - so future shipments start bringing in the extra moola.

(Sony makes money off the games as well - maybe as much as $5-$7/unit sold)

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