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Is this really a discussion? First people are confusing geographic with geological.

Next, continents have two common interpretations.

1. Separation of large geographical regions based on a combination of geological division (tectonic plates, oceans).

2. Geographic identification grouping landmass by means of cultural, political, and geological boundaries.

When you use continent by itself when referring to earth there 7 continents. When you use continent with a qualifier or adjective you can label them however you like (ex. Greater Eurasian Continent).

Either way they are just names of objects to make communication easier. Stop making communication harder.

Lastly, Americas on VGChartz is grouped Americas because it is easier to group most/all of the western hemisphere sales with the United States. It is not refering to a continent but a grouping of regional markets.

It is a label chosen by VGChartz and has no political, social, or geological bearing on the world outside of these forums.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.