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curl-6 said:
Ended up getting a month impulsively as I'm desperate for anything to keep my mind off the tumor.
I've had my profile redone several times by friends to try to make it better but I think I'm simply too ugly to ever get any real success.

I havent heard any updates on your prognosis, but I sincerely hope it's a positive one. 

Now, as far as your second part of your comment... a little self confidence goes a long, long way. I'm not a 10, but I've always had self confidence... I guess being 6' 4" and 210 helps.. sorry, anyway.... 

You seem like a good dude, and that goes a long way. Be more straightforward, more blunt and say what you want to say. Dont beat around the Bush. When you describe yourself, describe yourself in a positive way, no matter what. 

I hope everything works out... in both areas of your life. Take care of yourself. That's the most important thing.