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Honestly, outside obvious contenders for worst games of all time such as: Ride to Hell Retribution, The Quiet Man etc. Final Fantasy XIII is by far the worst game I have ever played. This is largely due to how disappointing it is as a fan of the series. The game isn't broken in the traditional sense of the word. It is broken due to how boring and tedious everything is. Dull characters, dull story, dull gameplay. It honestly baffles me that there are people who actually enjoy this game. I can usually see merit in something that doesn't interest me, I can usually appreciate it for what it is and understand why other people do enjoy it. This game on the other hand, I simply cannot understand how anyone could legitimately say that they like it with a straight face.
The one thing that I can say is that the graphics have aged surprisingly well. That is about it really. This piece of shit needs to die in the fires of Mount Doom.