Wyrdness said: - You basically said nothing here on the point presented. - Nope it's very relevant you just don't want it to be because it's a point you can't debunk as it highlights the change in approach to hardware which further shows they had a different approach to the Wii. Nintendo had 10bn in the bank and do you know the total cost the approach you're championing cost MS and Sony with the 360/PS3? 8bn (link below), 2.9bn for MS who had Live making money from the start of the gen and 4.9bn for Sony who had an expensive platform and that is with both platforms selling 80m plus this backs fully what I'm saying in that WiiU was as powerful as Nintendo could afford it to be had Nintendo gone this route the platform would have been more expensive and they had no way to offset losses like Sony and MS who also use a different licensing model. https://www.mcvuk.com/8bn-the-total-losses-made-by-xbox-360-and-ps3/ - Or maybe just maybe it's because he's the President of NOA that he has the concept explained to him so he gets and idea of how the company wants to handle it in order to sell to the consumer Reggie after all knows the ins and outs of running a company better than Miyamoto which makes your claim comical not to mention Nintendo themselves backed what Reggie said with their concept demonstration video with the Japenese gamer which solely focused on personal experience. - Wii U didn't follow the path of Wii in anyway this is shown on all levels and backed by objective factors sharing a similar name is not having the same approach so far only arguments that has fallen apart are your own as they've been debunk. |
You keep straying further and further from the discussion. First you claimed that Wii U failed for catering solely to core gamers then you said it failed for not knowing who it's target audience were, now you're back to flip flopping. You bring up articles, data, quotes and a bunch of unrelated stuff none of which prove anything of everyting you've claimed.
I've already provided you articles which quotes come directly from Miyamoto and Kimishima explaining how they were targeting both audiences and believed the Wii U would be succesful based on Wii's success meanwhile you keep comparing the Wii U to PS3 and how Reggie knows how to run a company... Baseless and irrelevant information with no proof to support your claims whatsoever.
d21lewis said: LGBTDBZBBQ said: |
Yup, ironically a Wii U game saved the Switch's launch and became the best game of the decade.