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SanAndreasX said:
SpokenTruth said:

What's your angle?  Given that way more evidence is suggesting a nefarious act rather than him taking his own life, what persuades you to think against the evidence?

If you're talking about Michael Baden, keep in mind the guy was being paid by Epstein's brother to reach the conclusion Epstein's brother wanted him to reach.  

Keeping that in mind, his death objectively required a number of contrivances of circumstance that are notoriously atypical for those being held for similar accusations.  These circumstances are suspiciously consistent with what's required for something nefarious to have occurred.  But if all the law enforcement personnel were working at the baseline expectation of their profession (not the higher expectations that law enforcement aspires to meet), Epstein's death is statistically improbable.  

How would you account for this difference from what is known to have occurred (security camera failures, an absence of officers who were expected to be maintaining a presence, etc) from what typically occurs?