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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

AsGryffynn said:
JRPGfan said:

Also the US had terms, when they proposed a trade deal.
From a position of strength, the US is gonna screw over the UK in any deal they make imo.

The idea was that trade partners would only constitute an small part of trade, so that if one partner was unfavorable, you could just swap them with another one with little effect. In other words, many small partners instead of monolithic trading blocks. 

The problem is the rest of the world doesnt play by those rules.
Everyone thats anyone, is in a tradeing block.

The only ones not in one, are small crappy nations that ll then get bent over, in any trade deals they do.
The reason the tradeing blocks have members, is because it works to your benefit to be in one.
You make deals from positions of strength, through unity.