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KingofTrolls said:

There is nothing but a bias here. Sony's 1st party games simply delivers stunning graphics. BTW if I see correctly, Metro is only 1vote behind, so nobody knows for sure.

Aaand what about next year. IMO some of the next gen titles will take the crown, but TLoUP2 taking the spot will not be anything earthshattering. ND creates it's own tech solutions who else is doing this now.

Cyberpunk will be good, but so far the graphics is looking normal, that's all.

Yeah, that's what I was pointing out earlier, hence why I said it wouldn't matter what other games brought to the table, tech or art style wise. 

Next yr is going to bring some decent looking games, but I'm not sure Capcom will have sorted out the visual issues that plagued REmake 2, like the screen space reflections, which were glaringly obvious for some on consoles and PC.

Others out there create their own tech and tools for sure, but they don't get anywhere as much coverage as say, some 1st party studios. 

Cyberpunk is something else, going by what it's trying to accomplish, from a small polish studio.

TLOU 2 taking the crown is par the course, going by previous voting results on here. Until a new userbase comes in, nothing results wise will change.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"