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There is no doubt the Wii has been one of the hottest consoles ever to release.  You would think with these sales nothing could ever stop it.  Unfortunately out of all the positive hype, it has one negative kink.  That kink being it has sacrificed the core gamer in an effort to expand the market and make money.  Now of course most of us know this isn't true.  With all the wonderful games they have brought to us on the Wii, this is absolutely false.  But that hasn't stopped the gaming public from ranting on about it.

Let's face the facts.  The only reason this has exploded to this high level of negativity by both the fanbase and the media, is because the Wii is doing so well.  If the Wii had completely bombed and sold 20 million in its lifetime, not one gamer or media site would have written one thing negative about the console.  It would have been remembered as the console that took an ultimate risk that just didn't catch on and had awesome games.  But because Wii had the opposite effect, caught on like wildfire, and became the mainstream entertainment machine of choice, it's always going to be the subject of criticism, similar in ways that PS2 had it.  Thus Wii gets knocked on for not having any good games and Nintendo gets knocked on for not supplying to the core gamer. 

This has become such a widespread issue that down the line this really could hurt Nintendo and the longetivity of the Wii.  Let's face it.  Consoles sell well for long periods of time due to mainstream hype.  And if hype becomes negative, sales will drop.  The RROD scandal with the 360 was not good for sales trust me.  Nintendo themselves, have noticed this problem as well.  Constantly in interviews, press releases, ect. they make notion of core games and how they will be supplying to the core gamer.  They repeatedly keep saying how core games will be at E3, recently.  They understand this bad hype could hurt them and they are obviously trying to turn the public's thoughts the other way.  They even talk about 3rd party core titles and how they are quality.  I mean those 2 issues are kinda tied in, which is why I'm talking about both.

However, I have an idea for Nintendo.  Something a little more bold, but I think something that would work exceptionally well.  The Wii has been bundled with Wii Sports in the majority of the world since launch.  IN commercials, the cover of the Wii console box, and all areas is dominated by that game's prescence.  Yet when they talk, they speak of supporting both core and casual gamers.  Yet from a gamer's perspective, couldn't that lone box in of Wii Sports suggest otherwise.  From a marketing standpoing it definetly does.  Thus I suggest this.  Instead of simply bundling Wii Sports, bundle a core game in as well.  Thus on the box you'll see Wii Sports and a huge brand core game.  Thus when a buyer or a core gamer looks at it they see hey Wii Sports, the fun addictive game everyone wants to try, and *insert well known brand game name* that I've been playing since the days of the NES.  It not only makes the system more appealing but makes it more diverse in range.  This would possibly alleviate the anti-sentiments that Nintendo doesn't support the core gamer, when right out of the box of purchase, you get a big brand name game.

Before I decide which game that is, couldn't Nintendo support this monetary wise.  Well let's face it, Wii Sports is possibly $5 of the price of the entire console.  The rest of the console has significantly dropped in development costs in the last year and a half, meaning Nintendo is making large profits off the Wii.  They can afford to add another game in there that would only add $30 to the cost of everything, but they could still sell it at $250.  Not only could this be like a theoretical pricedrop, but it also makes for great new set of advertising telling people about the wondeful deal they are about to get.  This would be a diamond in an already filled gold mind. 

So now onto which game.  Well they could bundle Twilight Princess, which would be the safest choice.  I mean cheapest title now to put in there, and definetly a core game.  But really I think Nintendo needs to think out of the box on this.  Something out of their own library.  How about a 3rd party game.  Now your not only telling core gamers hello, but your saying to 3rd parties that you are backing them.  I mean could be Call of Duty: World at War(when it comes out), Fatal Frame IV for Japan, Sonic Unleashed for Europe, ect.  Doesn't have to be the same game across all regions.  But make it a 3rd party title and watch as you reak the benefits of 3rd parties seeing less risk as Nintendo helps them out.

I think this idea would work wonders for Nintendo, and really show the public what they already have proven.  That they care about all gamers and that they are willing to help 3rd parties.  It's just they need to do it again.  I think this is something they should announce at E3, TGS, and/or a Nintendo conference.  I mean it's not just to alleviate a media complaint, but something that could really drive hype, sales, and demand higher than it already is.  Nintendo you've hit the gold mine already, now it's time to expand an empire.  Use that money and use that appeal to continue pushing further and leave no scars.  I believe this idea can heal the wounds and fill up the pocketbooks for Nintendo.  Hopefully someone already within Nintendo is reading this and is thinking I'm stealing there ideas, as I think this is perfect for them.